“Rid your body of its impurities,
let your speech be true and sweet,
feel friendship for the world and,
with humilty seek knowledge and wealth”
T. Krishnamacharya – Yogāñjalisāram (26)
The great yogi Tirumalai Krishnamacharya is today considered the father of modern yoga. During his long life he was able to combine the traditional teaching of yoga with his own profound and innovative experiences, culminating in mystical visions and ingenious insights.
“The gist (sāram) of the teachings of Krishnamacharya, is to consider the different needs of each individual in order to prepare personal practices, while embracing the value of group classes. This can be especially useful for beginners, or for those students who wish to delve into a deeper personal path through seminars. Theory and practice, be it of postures (āsana), breathing techniques (prāṇāyāma) views (bhāvana) or chants (mantra) are always gradual and sequential (vinyasa krama). Practice towards a main posture is gradually worked up to through the execution of simpler positions, which once executed, are followed by a series of subsequent postures which allow the body to be gently brought back into a balanced state.”
T. Krishnamacharya and T.K.V. Desikachar have always maintained that the real progress on the path of Yoga is almost entirely through individual instruction. The need to follow an individual course is motivated by the fact that every human being is similar to others, but still has its own characteristics, with different requirements depending on the state of health, age, the activity that takes place, so as the culture and the religion they belong to.
Lessons by appointment
The lessons can be considered as preparatory step to individual work, because through group lessons the student begins to become familiar with the discipline. In addition, practicing with other people is often an interesting and valuable experience.
Monday: from 18:45 to 20:00
Wednesday: from 13:45 to 15:00
Saturday: from 9:45 to 11:00
“There is no greater austerity than prāṇāyāma
to remove impurities” – Vyāsa –
New ‘seasonal’ prāṇāyāma meeting are scheduled, with seminars involving the application of different techniques for purification through the breath, in order to concentrate the mind and prepare it for meditation. Pranayama practiced in the right way, under the guidance of a trained teacher and responsible, increases vitality and longevity of the person.
“The retention of the breath controls the mind, like a net catching a bird. Breath control helps keep your concentration on your hearth” – Rāmaṇa Mahāṛṣi –